
Simply Pilates

simply pilates
as it should be


Simply Pilates

simply pilates
as it should be

Change is possible

An inti­mate atmos­phere, a stun­ning col­lec­tion of unique Pilates machines, a friendly indi­vid­ual approach and a team of spe­cial­ists at the high­est inter­na­tional level – this is what puts Sim­ply Pilates in a cat­e­gory of its own in the Czech Republic.

Both the group and indi­vid­ual work­outs in the well-equipped Pilates stu­dio focus on a com­pre­hen­sive but vari­able range of exer­cises that tone, strengthen and firm mus­cles as well as improv­ing gen­eral health.

Just arriv­ing at the Sim­ply Pilates stu­dio is an expe­ri­ence in itself. Located on the third floor of a theatrically-ecorated neo-ennaissance house on Mal­ostran­ské nábřeží, it resem­bles a styl­ish apart­ment with amaz­ing views of the relax­ing waters of the river Vltava and the Prague panorama. Climb above the roofs of houses, leave your trou­bles down below and enter a world where you can con­cen­trate on your­self alone!

Sim­ply Pilates offers a way to find bal­ance between body and soul.


Pilates DUETS and TRIOS

Pilates DUETS and TRIOS

Sim­ply Pilates will help you to achieve per­fect fig­ure by means of effec­tive, enter­tain­ing and healthy methods.

The com­plex work­out pro­gram pro­ceeds on Pilates machines. Their effect is as much as five times higher than the effect of clas­si­cal work­out on the mat that exploits only 10% of the orig­i­nal con­cept of Joseph Pilates. The duet or trio con­sists of 3 per­sons at most, which enables the instruc­tors to watch the exer­cis­ers’ indi­vid­ual needs and moti­vates the clients to persist.

Don’t you know which pro­gram to choose, or are you a begin­ner with Pilates machines?

Begin with a less demand­ing pro­gram and con­cen­trate on the qual­ity of the exer­cises. The cor­rect tech­nique of the exer­cises will help you achieve all ben­e­fits of the Pilates workout.

Do you love comfort? We have a mobile app!

It is your time. Make a reservation when YOU are free. Conveniently and quickly reserve and cancel your visits. Just download the app and search for Simply Pilates (and add it to favorites).


Private Session

Private Session

The indi­vid­ual lessons in Sim­ply Pilates are the best way to achieve real progress.

Advan­tages of indi­vid­ual training

  • regard to the spe­cific needs and wishes of each client
  • reach­ing opti­mal results
  • min­i­miz­ing the risks of incor­rect exer­cise technique
  • max­i­mum atten­tion of the instructor

We are offer­ing Prague the orig­i­nal con­cept that was cre­ated in the first New York stu­dio of Joseph Pilates back in the 1920s. The indi­vid­ual guided train­ing includes exer­cises on all the Pilates machines. The machines help you to do the exer­cises with the cor­rect tech­nique, with less effort and more effect.




Packages can be shared among friends, partners and family members.

You can make a reservation only with a valid package. All recurring reservations has to be covered by package at least 7 days in advance.

The package for private sessions is valid 6 months from the first visit (or 6 month from the purchase if not used).

The prices include VAT. Pricelist valid from September 3, 2023